st james park press

The ST JAMES PARK PRESS is the private press of James Freemantle, the Press having originally been situated close to St James's Park in London, from which it took its name.
Printing by letterpress on, amongst other presses: a Clymer Dixon (Super Royal) Columbian Press from 1854, a Hopkinson & Cope (Crown Broadside) Albion Press from 1861, a J. & R. M. Wood (Half Sheet Post) Albion Press from 1869, and an Arab (Crown Folio) from 1906. The Press holds a number of composition types, including Caslon, Centaur, Joanna and Spectrum, as well as a large range of display and decorated types.
The primary concern of the Press is the fine printing of illustrated books, by letterpress. There is a focus on utilising wood-engravings or original illustrative work. Occasionally, the Press will agree to print commissioned work on behalf of a publisher or individual.
Works by the Press have been purchased and can now be viewed at such public institutions as the National Art Library at the V&A, the Tate Library, Yale University Library, the National Library of Wales, the Newberry Library, the Harry Ransom Center at the University of Texas, Eton College Library, and the Bodleian, amongst others.